Some Classmates upload a HUGE picture of themselves for their “current photo”. All these are more than 15 megabytes!

I can down-size them w/o losing any fidelity, but I need some help.  While I can see these multi-megabyte image files in the database, it’s not easy to figure out WHO they belong to.

Would you please skim the following pictures and email me at if you think you know who it is.  Click on any image to get a full-size version of all images (and be patient while they download to your browser!)

If you want, you can check your guess  by going to their profile and waiting several seconds for the ‘current photo’ to load.  (It loads second, right after the 1969 Banner photo.)

I’ll reduce the file size (w/o changing how it displays) — mobile users will thank you for saving them bandwidth and delay!


Wayne Willis

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4


Picture 7

Picture 8