Colloquium 20: Hughes Norton – Golf, Life, Etc. … Feb. 18th

Colloquium 20: Hughes Norton – Golf, Life, Etc. … Feb. 18th

We kick off our 2025 zoominars with an interview with Hughes Norton. (Register now.) Hughes was a leader at International Management Group, the legendary sports management company.  After a meteoric career representing Tiger Woods and heading up IMG’s Golf Division, Hughes suffered some rapid reverses in both career and life — all of which he addresses candidly in a new memoir, Rainmaker.

This should be a fun time, especially for golfers, frustrated golfers, sports enthusiasts and those of us who’ve endured the “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” more generally.

Register now for Class Colloquium 20, Feb. 18th at 2:00 pm EST.

Steve Dunwell’s Photographs Now A Part of History

Steve Dunwell’s Photographs Now A Part of History

The Boston Public Library recently acquired one of the limited edition portfolios Steve Dunwell recently published, “With These Hands.” Each set contains nine archival silver prints showing New England textile mill workers 1973-1977. There are only 12 sets in this Limited Edition.

This purchase is an excellent start on Steve’s goal of getting all the important archival repositories in New England, plus some key national institutions, to purchase and preserve these silver-process prints of a bygone era that he was able to document shortly after we graduated.

This project began in early 1973 when Steve was invited to visit a textile mill in ….

Classmates arrange musical interlude for Will Steicker’s hospice care

Classmates arrange musical interlude for Will Steicker’s hospice care

Eliot Norman recruited Mary Langston, a well-regarded soprano, to sing “Over the Rainbow” as part of a musical program he put together for Dr. Will Streicker a few weeks before he passed away last Spring. Rob Riehle and his wife Byah joined others at Will’s home, where he was confined to home hospice. Owing to his immunocompromised state, Will (who Eliot and others knew as Bill) had to keep his distance, listening from an easy chair at the top of the stairs. 

This performance was captured on an iPhone and is embedded here:

Class Colloquium 19:  How we fix climate change – Oct. 24, 4 pm ET

Class Colloquium 19: How we fix climate change – Oct. 24, 4 pm ET

The central chapter of Wayne’s forthcoming book is a framework outlining HOW a climate crisis can be avoided … and what YOU can do today to make a huge difference. This Zoom meeting will share that model and highlight why NOW is a critical time:  You see, regardless of the election outcome, there is a time window in November and December to pass one law (ready for a vote now!) and another window in 2025 to enact a different one (that is being developed)!

Register here

Open for business: Reed Hundt’s Coalition for Green Capital gets $5.1 billion for lending programs

Open for business: Reed Hundt’s Coalition for Green Capital gets $5.1 billion for lending programs

If you’ve been following developments in green banking, you might remember the Inflation Reduction Act that was passed in August 2022. That landmark legislation opened the door for funding Reed Hundt’s Coalition for Green Capital.  See “Reed Hundt’s Coalition For Green Capital Wins Major Victory,” April, 2024.  

Well, the funding finally arrived last month.  $5.1 billion dollars!

Reed has been passionately advocating for this initiative for over 15 years. It’s great to see a successful milestone achieved. Click thru to see how he’ll spend the money and what’s coming next.

Calling All ’69ers who were in the Yale 5-Year BA Program or took a “Gap” year

Calling All ’69ers who were in the Yale 5-Year BA Program or took a “Gap” year

As members of the first group of “Fivers,” Tim Weiskel and Mark McCormick are reaching out to any Yalie in the 5-Year B.A. program — or who took a “gap year” of their own design — and inviting them to a Zoom meeting with kindred souls on Thursday, 26 September 2024 at 4 PM Eastern Time.

Register Here

Read the article for details and/or how to stay in touch with the group even if you can’t make the Zoom meeting.

’69 will get a private tour of the Peabody – May 30th, 2 pm

’69 will get a private tour of the Peabody – May 30th, 2 pm

Woo hoo! Great news. David Friend ‘69 has graciously arranged for a private tour of the newly re-opened Peabody Museum for the Class of 1969. The museum’s director will guide our private tour, highlighting the museum’s recent renovations and exhibits. We will meet at the Peabody and start the tour promptly at 2 pm on Thursday of reunion weekend.

Tickets are free, but registration is required. (Deadline: 5/24, 2 pm.)

Our “Class Programs” at Reunion: Truly Exceptional

Our “Class Programs” at Reunion: Truly Exceptional

The Reunion committee for the Class of ’69 winnowed ideas generated by a steering committee of 18 classmates and then recruited true stars to lead them. The results are extraordinary — a reason to attend all by itself!

Click through to see the final CLASS ONLY PROGRAMS as of May 1st. (See also the full program online for any late-breaking updates.)

Memorial Service at Reunion To Be Held Saturday Afternoon

Memorial Service at Reunion To Be Held Saturday Afternoon

Let’s face it.  We are members of a “Last Man’s Club.”   We’ll get no new members.  And time reduces our number every year.

Every five years, at the reunion, we hold a “Memorial Service” to remember those who have died in the last five years.  Traditionally, the Memorial Service was held on Sunday morning.  Because many classmates have to leave early on Sunday, the Reunion Committee moved the Memorial to Saturday afternoon, in Battell Chapel.

Reunion Details Announced – Registration Now Open!

Reunion Details Announced – Registration Now Open!

The YAA has published the key reunion details, including the link to register for the events and on-campus housing. You can also see the summary of the Schedule of Events; as the program evolves, the summary descriptions will be replaced by more detailed ones, so check back.

The price for the Reunion itself, optional on-campus housing, refund policy and financial assistance availability are all addressed on this page (center tab).

Here some other key developments:
1. Exciting Class Program.  The Class-specific panels include …

Regret: Uses and Misuses

Regret: Uses and Misuses

Update: The YouTube recording of this talk is now available.

ORIGINAL: Is regret ever a positive? Here’s another Zoominar offered to the “Yale Boom” Classes of 67-73.  This one is sponsored by the Class of ’67, featuring Bob Leahy ’67, ’74 Ph.D., Director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy in New York.   The author of 29 books, Dr. Leahy will talk about his latest book, “If Only” … all about REGRET.  If interested, act fast.  Register before the event, March 19th at 2:00pm ET.

It’s “Sir Stephen Schwarzman” now!

It’s “Sir Stephen Schwarzman” now!

Stephen Schwarzman given honorary British knighthood.

Blackstone founder named among US recipients alongside Mark Milley, former chairman of joint chiefs of staff.

Billionaire US private equity executive Stephen Schwarzman is to receive an honorary British knighthood for services to philanthropy. The award was announced by the British embassy in Washington, and confirmed …

Calling Classmate Musicians:  Reunion Ideas

Calling Classmate Musicians: Reunion Ideas

We are working on two ideas to add a little music to our reunion. Eliot Norman suggests:

1. Putting “Street” Pianos at the two ends of the tent in the courtyard at TD. Folks can just play a bit as they feel like it, while walking by, whether to entertain friends, jam or just communicate their thoughts.

2. Organizing a “pop-up” band and sing-along participation fun event after dinner on Saturday.

For further information, read more or contact Eliot (email).