’69 will get a private tour of the Peabody – May 30th, 2 pm

’69 will get a private tour of the Peabody – May 30th, 2 pm

Woo hoo! Great news. David Friend ‘69 has graciously arranged for a private tour of the newly re-opened Peabody Museum for the Class of 1969. The museum’s director will guide our private tour, highlighting the museum’s recent renovations and exhibits. We will meet at the Peabody and start the tour promptly at 2 pm on Thursday of reunion weekend.

Tickets are free, but registration is required. (Deadline: 5/24, 2 pm.)

Our “Class Programs” at Reunion: Truly Exceptional

Our “Class Programs” at Reunion: Truly Exceptional

The Reunion committee for the Class of ’69 winnowed ideas generated by a steering committee of 18 classmates and then recruited true stars to lead them. The results are extraordinary — a reason to attend all by itself!

Click through to see the final CLASS ONLY PROGRAMS as of May 1st. (See also the full program online for any late-breaking updates.)

Memorial Service at Reunion To Be Held Saturday Afternoon

Memorial Service at Reunion To Be Held Saturday Afternoon

Let’s face it.  We are members of a “Last Man’s Club.”   We’ll get no new members.  And time reduces our number every year.

Every five years, at the reunion, we hold a “Memorial Service” to remember those who have died in the last five years.  Traditionally, the Memorial Service was held on Sunday morning.  Because many classmates have to leave early on Sunday, the Reunion Committee moved the Memorial to Saturday afternoon, in Battell Chapel.

Reunion Details Announced – Registration Now Open!

Reunion Details Announced – Registration Now Open!

The YAA has published the key reunion details, including the link to register for the events and on-campus housing. You can also see the summary of the Schedule of Events; as the program evolves, the summary descriptions will be replaced by more detailed ones, so check back.

The price for the Reunion itself, optional on-campus housing, refund policy and financial assistance availability are all addressed on this page (center tab).

Here some other key developments:
1. Exciting Class Program.  The Class-specific panels include …

Regret: Uses and Misuses

Regret: Uses and Misuses

Update: The YouTube recording of this talk is now available.

ORIGINAL: Is regret ever a positive? Here’s another Zoominar offered to the “Yale Boom” Classes of 67-73.  This one is sponsored by the Class of ’67, featuring Bob Leahy ’67, ’74 Ph.D., Director of the American Institute for Cognitive Therapy in New York.   The author of 29 books, Dr. Leahy will talk about his latest book, “If Only” … all about REGRET.  If interested, act fast.  Register before the event, March 19th at 2:00pm ET.

It’s “Sir Stephen Schwarzman” now!

It’s “Sir Stephen Schwarzman” now!

Stephen Schwarzman given honorary British knighthood.

Blackstone founder named among US recipients alongside Mark Milley, former chairman of joint chiefs of staff.

Billionaire US private equity executive Stephen Schwarzman is to receive an honorary British knighthood for services to philanthropy. The award was announced by the British embassy in Washington, and confirmed …

Calling Classmate Musicians:  Reunion Ideas

Calling Classmate Musicians: Reunion Ideas

We are working on two ideas to add a little music to our reunion. Eliot Norman suggests:

1. Putting “Street” Pianos at the two ends of the tent in the courtyard at TD. Folks can just play a bit as they feel like it, while walking by, whether to entertain friends, jam or just communicate their thoughts.

2. Organizing a “pop-up” band and sing-along participation fun event after dinner on Saturday.

For further information, read more or contact Eliot (email).

Map of hotels near New Haven

Hotel Hacks (and Parking Ideas) For Reunion

Yes, it’s quaint, and a bit nostalgic, to sleep in our old rooms … on those “Yale single” bedframes that squeak when you sit on them.  But many spouses or partners are not so, um, adventurous, nor brave enough to deal with shared bathrooms, third-floor walk-ups and the other limitations of dorm living. They (or we!) want a regular hotel room, thank you very much.

55th Reunion Announced: Save the Dates, May 30 – June 2, 2024

55th Reunion Announced: Save the Dates, May 30 – June 2, 2024

Reunion co-chairs Bill Newman and Derry Allen report that YAA has assigned the 55th Reunion for the Yale Class of 1969 to the weekend of May 30 – June 2 of 2024. Mark your calendars! Save the dates!

Here’s what little we know so far about on-campus housing, hotels, program, cost, registration, etc. And here are some things you can do over the next month or ….

Help the Reunion Committee Plan the “Class-only” Program

Help the Reunion Committee Plan the “Class-only” Program

Reunion co-chairs Bill Newman and Derry Allen are asking for YOUR help in formulating the “class-only” reunion events. Please join an ad hoc “planning committee” for two one-hour zoom meetings to a) define and then b) choose the reunion events offered by the class.

Please click here to indicate that you’d be willing to serve on this ad-hoc committee.

Recording From Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff, Publishing

Recording From Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff, Publishing

A few dozen classmates joined Host Art Segal and guest Art Klebanoff for a mid-summer afternoon Zoominar on “publishing,” as seen through the eyes of Art Klebanoff’s career as lawyer, agent and publisher.  See Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing,  “A Life in Publishing: 50 Years Spent Bringing the Facts of Life into Focus” for details on the program and Klebanoff’s bona fides.

Without further ado, here is the recording of the conversation:

Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing, July 11, 2 pm EDT

Class Colloquium 18: Klebanoff – Publishing, July 11, 2 pm EDT

Join in a Class Colloquium featuring Art Klebanoff, who is still trailblazing new business models in the world of publishing. He shares his incredible journey in the thick of the NY publishing world and shares some observations about publishing today. Would-be authors and ALL readers will appreciate this look under the hood. Register now