
Bribery is only the tip of the elite-college iceberg: An interview with Jim Sleeper

Editor’s Note:  This interview was conducted at Yale well before the current bribery scandal at selective colleges, including Yale. It pretty much predicted the whole thing, but put it in necessary perspective.
Jim Sleeper

This is a quiet, thoughtful conversation about what’s happening to higher education. I was interviewed by Prof. Matthew Frye Jacobson, an historian who was the chair of Yale’s American Studies Department until recently and is the director of Historian’s Eye Project (historianseye.org).

Jacobson interviewed 16 observers and practitioners of higher education, including me, and although our conversation took place a few years ago, when people were agitated about campus “snowflakes” and “excellent sheep,” it sure was prescient about the larger sea changes in higher education that should interest all of us, especially those of us who’ve had children or grandchildren at Yale and other selective colleges. I hope that you’ll find it useful, and I’d be happy to hear your thoughts.  (Use the “email me” button on my profile page here.)

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