Get Your ClassBooks and Watches Right Here!

As we recover from the post-partum depression induced by the passing of our 50th Reunion, we find that there are loose ends to tidy up, including the disposition of leftover ClassBooks and Class Reunion Watches (gentleman’s and lady’s versions) .  What to do?  We don’t have the heart to release these items into the environment.  We would rather distribute them to needy classmates who could make perfectly good use of them, in particular to classmates who did not attend the Reunion, but would like to have a Book or a Watch anyway.  Or maybe you have a Book that is broken or damaged.

Before this inventory is consigned to the dustbin of history, here is your last chance to own a piece of that history.  Please contact us at the address below, and we will send the item requested along to you.

JP Jordan e-mail:

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