Confessions Of A Church Lawyer: In Defense Of Christianity


Editor’s Note: New book by classmate Matt Flynn

Confessions Of A Church Lawyer: In Defense Of Christianity

In this compelling book, the author, who served as legal counsel for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee during a tumultuous period of sexual abuse claims, delves into three critical missions.

First, they unveil the unvarnished truth behind the abuse cases, shedding light on the profound impact on victims and the Catholic Church. With a keen eye for misunderstood nuances and overlooked facts, they challenge prevailing narratives.

Second, the author presents a roadmap for the Catholic Church’s redemption, offering concrete steps to prevent future abuses and rejuvenate its societal standing. They underscore the Church’s global humanitarian role.

Third, the book passionately defends the enduring relevance of Christianity, especially the Catholic Church, in Western civilization. It warns against emerging threats like communism and jihad and champions the power of reason within Judeo-Christianity.

With a bold critique of cultural trends, the author questions the selective criticism of certain cultures while advocating for the preservation of our cultural heritage.

Throughout, the author navigates legal and ethical considerations, asserting that their book is not only permissible but necessary to instigate vital change.

A thought-provoking exploration of a pervasive issue extending beyond the Church, this book challenges assumptions and offers practical solutions. It is a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between faith, culture, and justice.

About Matt Flynn

Matt Flynn

Matthew Flynn is a former officer in the U.S. Navy, and a graduate of Yale University and the University of Wisconsin Law School. He served as defense counsel for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for 15 years. He describes in detail the cases he defended, the Archbishops he worked for, and the conclusions he reached regarding the celibate clergy and the exclusion of women from the priesthood. From his experience, he concludes by discussing the nature of the Catholic Church and Judeo-Christianity in general and their importance to all of humanity.


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